


Who can live in campus housing?

目前在澳门新葡京娱乐城网址注册的学生每年秋季和春季学期至少修9个学分,可以申请住在马什本大厅. 每学期至少修满9个学分的护理专业可以例外.

How and when do I apply for housing?

学生必须在完成并提交住房申请之前被澳门新葡京娱乐城网址录取. 通过主页上的链接登录到您的走鹃门户帐户. Click "Students" and then “DSC Campus Housing Application Portal.,然后点击“进入DSC校园住房申请门户网站”按钮. Click on “Application” and follow all instructions. 在提交申请之前,请务必仔细审查您的住房合同. Once you have submitted your application, you will direct the non-refundable $200 application fee, and the non-refundable $100 reservation fee to the Business Office, located in the Westcott Building.

Can I request a particular room?

学生可以要求与特定的学生住在一起,和/或要求特定类型的套房. 然而, 特殊的房间要求不能满足,除非学生有特殊的医疗情况/条件需要特别考虑.

Do I have to choose a meal plan?

所有住在麦什本宿舍的学生都需要购买膳食计划.  For more information please visit the Campus Services website. Should you have any questions about meal plans, please direct all inquiries directly to Campus Services by phone at 706-272-2712 或电邮至 campusservices@yingla.net.

Can I view my assigned room before Move-In Day?

因为我们正在把以前的住户迁出房间,为新住户准备房间, rooms are not ready for view until Move-In day.


What happens if a student is locked out of his/her room or suite?

During hours of operation, 学生应联系位于前台的住宿助理或办公室助理,以便进入房间. For after hour lock outs, students will need to call the RA on Duty.

What do I do if I lose my key?

联系 the 住宅生活 Office to request a new key. 住宅生活 staff will complete the steps to order a new key. Charges for the new key will be added to the student’s account.

How do I report a maintenance concern?


May I have guests in my suite/room?

只要不影响室友的睡眠权利,住宿学生可以在任何时候接待其他学生和客人, 研究, 隐私, 和/或正常使用房间(根据室友协议规定). 客人和其他学生每周只能连续住三晚. 所有过夜的客人必须在麦什本大厅的前台登记.

Where can I get a parking permit?


May I stay in my room through the holiday breaks?

Mashburn大厅 officially closes for winter break, and the college does not provide temporary housing for students. Please make the necessary accommodations for the Winter break.

Can I decorate and personalize my room?

学生可以定制自己的房间,但也有一定的限制. 这些限制通常禁止任何对未来居民造成永久性改变或损坏的房间或家具. 住宅生活建议使用墙壁安全的粘合剂,如3M.


除非肉食性鱼类外,禁止宠物进入宿舍. 你可以在你的房间养鱼,但鱼缸不超过10英尺.S. 加仑和房间里的所有居民都同意在房间里放一个鱼缸. 需要服务性动物的学生有一个特殊的例外,以便有平等的住房机会.

What about bringing my own refrigeration or microwave?

Students can bring a small refrigeration (3.5 cu ft or less) and a microwave (1,100 watts or less).

What is the alcohol and smoking policy?

道尔顿状态 College is a drug, alcohol, and tobacco free campus. 请参阅住宿生活指南,了解具体的指导方针和期望.

May I bring a bicycle to campus?

是的, 然而, bicycles are not to be kept inside the residence halls for any reason, as this is a violation of the fire code. 自行车架在Mashburn大厅的正门前面. 如单车遗失、被盗或损坏,学院概不负责.


而学院采取合理的措施,防止盗窃和破坏, 学生个人必须负责将房间的门窗始终锁上. 在入住期间或退房后,学院和科维亚斯校园生活不负责居民的物品. 我们鼓励居民购买适当和足够的租房保险,或者确保你的财产在你的父母或监护人的房主保险范围内.

新葡京网址赌城 MASHBURN

Is there internet access in every room?

每个学生都可以通过Apogee无线互联网连接互联网. 学生们将可以连接多达五种不同的设备,而不必在WiFi的速度和质量上竞争.

Are there kitchens in Mashburn大厅?


Where are laundry facilities located?

洗衣间位于Mashburn大厅的每一层,位于南翼和西翼的连接处. The cost for laundry is included in the student’s room rate, so no coins or cards are needed for operation. 洗衣服务甚至包括文本通知技术,当洗衣周期结束时,会提醒学生.

Will cable TV be provided?

80 different digital cable channels are provided for every student. Channels include HBO, MTV and Nickelodeon to name a few.

What furniture will be in my room when I arrive?

Each student is provided with a twin XL bed, 五斗橱, writing table with desk chair, 靠墙的桌子, 还有壁橱空间. Students may not substitute personal furniture for these items. Furniture may not be moved from room to room, or out of the lobbies and public areas of Mashburn大厅.

What are the dimensions of the room?

Single occupancy bedrooms are 11’ 4” deep x 8’ 10” wide. Double occupancy bedrooms are 14’ 8” deep x 10’ 6” wide.

What is the mailing address for Mashburn大厅?



623 Campus Place, Suite (Number)

道尔顿,GA 30720


When can I move-in?

入住细节将包括当你收到你的住房和室友分配. 通常情况下,居民会在上课前两到三天搬进来.

What are the times of move-in?

Typically, move-in is scheduled for 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. every day of move-in. 入住电子邮件将直接发送到您的道尔顿州立电子邮件地址,其中包含有关当天停车和时间表的更多信息.